Lonewriter's Mission
This site is dedicated to all people who seek truth,
self knowlege and who value their own individuality.
It is for those who don't subscribe to simplistic answers
to life's bigger issues. We are fed daily megadoses
of verbal pablem by all who would manipulate us for
their own selfish agendas. Aside from the obvious
ones, other sources of engineered reality distortion
can even include those ones closest to us - those
entrusted with at least some portion of our most intimate
selves - in other words, friends and family.
My goals are as follows:
* To help others to better discern which issues are their
own and which ones constitute 'excess baggage'. Until
one can identify those issues that really concern us as
individuals, we will to varying degrees remain unable to
effectively defend our own mental and emotional space
against unwanted encroachment.
* To increase awareness of technologies and scientific
developments which the reader could use to improve his/her
own situation. As much as possible, I either offer or point
the reader to things which are commonly available and/or can
be readily made with commonly available materials and tools.
These web pages are about self empowerment through self-knowledge,
education, and increased reliance on one's own inner strengths
and resources.
Please beware that this is all copyrighted material and may
not be copied, reproduced or redistributed by any means
without the written permission of the author(s).
Enjoy and feel free to submit comments, suggestions, ... to
the email address provided below.
Email Lonewriterlonewriter@altavista.com
This page Revised 01/30/2000
This page has been visited times.