Lonewriter's List of Links


General Interest

http://www.wopr.com - Woody's Office Watch - no other source is more practical or authoritative for answering your Microsoft Office questions and problems related to Win95/98. A definite winner. By all means, subscribe to their FREE EMAIL NEWSLETTER.

http://members.tripod.com -Click here to build and post your own webpage online- FREE!


Electronics - Ham Radio and Robotics, Misc Circuits 'n Stuff

http://hem2.passagen.se/sm0vpo - Harrold Lythall's Ham Radio page. By far the best source of do-it-yourself electronics info.

http://robotwars.com -Watch exciting video footage of robotic warriors dueling and or enter YOUR robot in the next competition!

http://www.cs.buffalo.edu/~hexmoor/robot_resources.html - More robot stuff, check it out.

http://mpfwww.jpl.nasa.gov/ - Mars Mission, Pathfinder, Mars Rover 'Bot, anything you might want to know about the Mars Rover. Invaluable for tech tips if you are interested in building a SERIOUS ROBOT or AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE.







Email suggestions for other links you would like to see here to lonewriter@technologist.com
